I started Cloud Fox Apps to create android apps. 

I started searching on YouTube :

"How to make an app? " (when i was studying at 7th standard) I was so depressed about the results, i need to learn programming which i thought that isn't possible for me. But i got some videos explaining how to make apps without coding, yes, that was true. There are such websites, which helps us to create Android IOS apps without coding, even though that surprised me, I wasn't so happy with it. because I can only create apps from the given templates, so that I can't decide how should it work, how should it look etc.. 

Honestly, my aim was to make money,I know that we can put ads in our app and from that ads we can make money. I came to this idea when my you tube channel were not growing as i expected. I got only few views even though I have a good content(not literally) , but that was natural. my aim was to get instant money, I thought it's just easy to make money through you tube .But it wasn't at all. 

I was a member of little kites in my high school, there was a class on making android apps without coding, but that was quite different from this: MIT App inventor. Just drag and drop to make an app. We just need to understand some logic which was so easy to learn through MIT app inventor documentary. I can't continue without saying that if MIT didn't made such a useful platform for free, I won't make an interest  in coding. MIT Scratch: which I came to know through my 8th standard IT textbook, there was an exercise to make a car racing game. GOD ! games? then scratch was everything for me I learnt more through you tube. learnt, how to make games,simulations,animations,simple applications etc. I still use scratch for making games and application(but it's not sold). 

I made some apps and of course I put ads, i believed  tomorrow I'm gonna get some U.S dollars. just an animated story ! i self clicked on my ads in order to increase my revenue. and made up to 2USD in just one week and with one install. The Admob system might be super excited..yes i got suspended, my heart broken then i started applying for reactivation, but just failed. i tried with my parents mail....got suspended showing that you already have an account. so i started creating google accounts, again i got suspended. Almost 9 accounts hot suspended

Now i learnt one thing in my life, instead of aiming for the money at first, we should think about how we could make it better. That's the first step towards cloud fox apps. i made some apps distributed it as possible, now the first great work i'm doing as a product of cloud fox apps is The gurusamagra app. The Gurusamagra blog which was started by my friend and now i'm helping him and making apps for his blog, Now currenty working on gurusamagra 3.0. I understood what people want, how they hated first, and i collected all bad comments as possible and tried to solve it one by one. It's yet not published in Google play store, but i will do that soon. I have some other great app ideas ! 

but one thing! This is one of my passion, i want to buy some electronic components and some development boards, i will start new projects as i get money. My parents promoted me to spend time on my hobbies. I got a great support from my friends,family, teachers as well.